Legal information

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In this page the term “website” means the iCardio website, as well as all the applications it includes (Extranet, sending system and any other application that may be attached to it.).

This website is offered to users subject to certain Terms and Conditions. By using this website and all applications within it, you acknowledge that you have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

This page sets out the Terms and Conditions under which you may use this website. Please read this page carefully.

Miscellaneous rights

iCardio is the owner of this website. The content of this website and the applications it includes are provided for information purposes. Any information provided by an iCardio staff member, or by a third party authorized by iCardio to provide such information, takes precedence over the information contained on this site. If you do not accept one or more of the general conditions of use of this site mentioned on this page, you must refrain from using this website. iCardio cannot be held responsible for any harm caused as a result of the use of its website.


iCardio is not responsible for any damage that may result from any action based on information contained in this website, nor for any damage suffered following the disclosure of personal or confidential information transmitted to it via the Internet.

Additional Information

We invite you to send us your questions, comments and suggestions to the following email address: [email protected]. iCardio reserves the right to modify its privacy policy at any time and without notice.


The information contained on this website is protected by proprietary rights and its distribution outside this site requires written authorization from iCardio. The total or partial reproduction of the content (information, text, images, graphic elements or others) of this site is strictly prohibited without the authorization of iCardio. iCardio cannot be held responsible for any damage that may result from the reproduction or unauthorized use of the contents of this site.

iCardio reserves the right to permanently cease or temporarily interrupt online activities relating to this website without notice. By using this website, you waive any recourse whatsoever against iCardio. iCardio reserves the right to modify its general conditions at any time and without notice.