Raja Hatem

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About Raja Hatem

Graduated of the University of Montreal in 2009, Dr. Raja Hatem completed his residency in internal medicine and cardiology in teaching hospitals at the same university in 2015.

Subsequently, he undertook additional training in interventional cardiology (hemodynamics) and more precisely in complex high-risk procedures at Columbia University in New York.



In addition to teaching and clinical research, Dr. Hatem focuses on the treatment of coronary artery disease, particularly the percutaneous approach to chronically occluded coronary artery (CTO) debridement and other complex hemodynamic procedures. (CHIP).

He is currently director of the CTO-CHIP program at CIUSSS North on the Island of Montreal, Sacré-Coeur Hospital.


Additional Interests

Dr. Hatem particularly appreciates the tangible impact he can have on the lives of patients through the phenomenal advances made in the last 20 years in interventional cardiology. He has developed an expertise and interest in the design and engineering of equipment used in the interventional suite.

Scientific popularization is a great passion for Dr. Hatem, as well as sailing, history, physical training, and socializing with family and friends. He is also a travel and food enthusiast and is always looking for culinary discoveries.